SRHR Archives - Page 2 of 4 - Afrikagrupperna

Nyhet 2023-06-08

STATEMENT – Supreme Court judgment in the same-sex couples’ immigration rights case

We, the partners of Afrikagrupperna, a Swedish solidarity organisation, are a group of diverse organisations from Angola, Namibia, Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe. We work in the areas of labour rights, sexual and reproductive health and rights, climate justice and food sovereignty and for the protection of human rights as a collective.

We condemn the violence and hate speech targeting the Namibian LGBTI community since the landmark Judgment in which the Supreme Court confirmed the right of a foreign spouse in a same-sex marriage to be treated equally in terms of immigration laws.   

We condemn that institutions with power, such as religious and traditional authorities, are promoting violence and hate.

We call on these institutions to respect and protect the rights of all within Namibia as was envisaged by the authors of the Namibian Constitution.

We call on these institutions to respect the Judgment of the Supreme Court of Namibia.

We confirm the basic human right to independent choice, in homes, in communities and in relationships.

We confirm the right to dignity in a constitutional democracy.

We celebrate love and diversity.

Acção para o Desenvolvimento Rural e Ambiente, Angola
Africa Book Development Organization, Zimbabwe
Associação Moçambicana para Desenvolvimento da Família, Mozambique
Church Land Programme, South Africa
East Cape Agricultural Research Project, South Africa
groundWork, South Africa
International Labour Research and Information Group, South Africa
Just Associates Southern Africa
Justiça Ambiental, Mozambique
Khanya College, South Africa
Legal Assistance Centre, Namibia
Livaningo, Mozambique
Ondjango Feminista, Angola
Positive Vibes, Namibia
Rural Women’s Assembly Southern Africa
Surplus People Project, South Africa
União para o Desenvolvimento Estudantil, Mozambique
União Nacional de Camponeses, Mozambique
Women’s Leadership Centre, Namibia
WoMin African Alliance

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