No to Gas! - Justiça Ambiental i öppet brev till AP-fonderna - Afrikagrupperna

Nyhet 2023-03-14

No to Gas! – Justiça Ambiental i öppet brev till AP-fonderna

Gasindustrin i Cabo Delgado i norra Moçambique har varit katastrofal för landet och för dess befolkning, och har sedan projektets start inte skapat annat än förödelse och lidande. I ett öppet brev uppmanar No to Gas!-nätverket finansiärer, som bland annat AP-fonderna som förvaltar våra gemensamma pensionspengar, att sluta investera i gasprojekten i Cabo Delgado. No to Gas-nätverket samlar organisationer globalt och leds av Afrikagruppernas partnerorganisation Justiça Ambiental. I brevet kan du läsa mer om hur finansiärerna av projektet bidrar till kränkningar av mänskliga rättigheter och förstörelse av miljön

Utdrag ur brevet:

Cancel financing for disastrous Mozambique LNG

The gas industry in Cabo Delgado, northern Mozambique, has been disastrous for the country and its people, and since its emergence, has created nothing but devastation and suffering. Fossil fuel companies involved, such as Eni, ExxonMobil, Total, the Chinese National Petroleum Corporation and others have shown themselves to care little for the impacts of their current and planned projects, which were being seen even before a drop of gas had been extracted.

But these corporations do not operate in a silo – it is only through the support of financiers like you, private and public, that these projects can develop in the first place. By providing financing, guarantees and financial advisory services to Mozambique Liquified Natural Gas (LNG), you are contributing to the devastating effects of the Mozambique gas industry.

Now is a crucial moment. The pause on Total’s Mozambique LNG created by the company’s forcemajeure has provided a space for you to reevaluate and reassess your agreements with the consortium, for you to reconsider your involvement in a project that has been disastrous even before it has completed its construction phase. We, the Say No to Gas! Campaign and civil society from Mozambique and around the world, call on you to use this opportunity to actively cancel your agreements with Mozambique LNG, not only to disengage from your role in the enabling of suffering, but to actively help stop human rights violations and your direct contribution to the climate crisis.

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Cancel financing for disastrous Mozambique LNG

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