We Want Justice and Democratizing Food Systems - Afrikagrupperna


We Want Justice and Democratizing Food Systems 

Seminariet är en del av Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna

Fredag 15 november 2024
11:00 – 11:25 CET, Rosa scenen

Afrikagrupperna invites you to a transformative seminar with international guests from our partner organisation La Via Campesina, Christine Nabwami from Uganda and Brenda Muronda from Zimbabwe. The seminar delves deep into food system injustices, exploring the critical issues within Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Moçambique, and South Africa. The movement La Via Campesina (Southern and Eastern Africa) is dedicated to advocating for the rights of farmers and peasants, countering the actions of transnational companies, and challenging capitalist agendas that exploit the African continent.  

Power concentrations by a few companies and organizations in the global food sector mean that a limited number of actors positioned along the food supply chain greatly influence what, where, when, and how food is grown, processed, distributed and consumed. Climate change is negatively impacting food production, inequality is growing globally, and menacing geopolitical shifts are likely to make matters worse. We need a transformative food system which might mean democratizing our food system. The transformation lies with us, and all serious attention must be given to the political economy of food systems.  

The seminar will explore key issues on;   

  • Corporate Monopoly: Gain insights into the pervasive influence of companies monopolising food production and resources, perpetuating inequality and disenfranchisement within local communities.  
  • Climate Change: Explore the intersectionality of climate change and land grabbing, as African countries are becoming a prime target for carbon credit schemes, exacerbating environmental degradation and social injustice.  

Join us as we challenge the status quo, advocate for justice, and work towards building a more equitable and sustainable food system. Together, we can amplify voices, catalyze change, and create a brighter future for all!   

Moderator: Louise Lindfors, Secretary General, Afrikagrupperna.  

Panelists: International guest and representative from La Via Campesina; Christine Nabwami from ESAFF Uganda and Brenda Muronda (LVC secretariat) from Zimbabwe. 

To confirm more panelists. 

Om evenemanget

Datum: 15 NOV

Tid: 11.00-11.25

Plats: Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna

Stad: Skellefteå