The Human Cost of Extractive Industries - Afrikagrupperna


The Human Cost of Extractive Industries

Afrikagrupperna Växjö is proud to present its next event in collaboration with Växjö’s Innergården and one of Afrikagrupperna’s partner organisations, WoMin!

Read about WoMin here:

Join us for an evening of discussion and fika as we welcome:

Winnet Shamuyarira, Activist and Militarisation and Violence against Women Coordinator for WoMin in Zimbabwe (read more about her work here:
Boel Johnsson, Engagement Coordinator, Afrikagrupperna
Emelie Muntrakis, Policy Advisor on Natural Resources, Business and Human Rights,Afrikagrupperna
Hope Khoza, Regional Communications Officer in South Africa, Afrikagrupperna

Winnet will be discussing her and WoMin’s work regarding violence and displacement connected to extractive industries (ex. mining). Boel and Emelie will present Afrikagrupperna’s campaign about AP-Fonderna and pensions funding extractive industries. Hope, Boel and Emelie will be available to discuss Afrikagrupperna’s work. (Read more here:

We welcome anyone interested to join us for an exciting evening! No previous knowledge necessary. This event will be conducted in English

Läs mer om eventet på Facebook:

Om evenemanget

Datum: 15 NOV 2022

Tid: 17.00 – 19.00

Plats: Innergården, Sandgärdsgatan 23

Stad: Växjö