Speaker event with Sophie Lindquist - Afrikagrupperna


Speaker event with Sophie Lindquist

Do you wonder how identity and place are connected with experiences of climate change? Sophie’s lecture is based on her field study in Maputo, Mozambique which focused on young people’s experiences of climate change. Mozambique risks being hit hard by climate change, which makes local young people’s experiences of the changes vital. In addition Sophie has been in contact with one of Afrikagruppernas partner organisations Justiça Ambiental. 

When and Where?

Date: 21 September 
Time: 17:00
Place: H1412, Växjö University or on Zoom. Link for zoom will be published on our socials

This event is free of charge

Zoom link will be published on Afrikagrupperna Växjös social media channels

Instagram: @afrikagrupperna_vaxjo
Facebook: @afrikagruppernavaxo

Om evenemanget

Datum: 21 SEP 2022

Tid: 17.00

Plats: H1412 or on Zoom

Stad: Växjö och på Zoom