Folkets Forum: We need to stop corporate abuse and privileges– say ‘yes’ to a UN Binding Treaty on business and human rights and ‘no’ to ‘free’ trade agreements that threaten democracy
We need rights for people and rules for corporations. In this session we will discuss what can be done.
What is the UN Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights and why do we need it? Why is it needed and what is required for it to become reality? Why are national and regional initiatives on mandatory Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence (mHREDD), such as the one in process in the EU not enough? What can we do to support the Binding Treaty?
Why are corporations allowed to sue states for billions when protecting their people and environment? Vattenfall sued Germany for strengthening environmental laws and phasing out nuclear power. Huawei sued Sweden for banning them from selling 5G equipment and South Africa was sued by a foreign mining company for its reform to reduce inequality after apartheid. These are just a few examples of lawsuits made possible through Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanisms. They are often included in trade and investment agreements and allow corporations to sue states for democratic decisions on measures that may reduce the value of their investments. How do we make sure to strengthen rights for people and rules for corporations?
South Africa has chosen another way and shown that change is possible.
When: Wednesday 1 June 14.00-14.45
Where: ABF-huset Stockholm
Main language: English
Daniel Ribeiro, Technical coordinator and co-founder of Justiça Ambiental (JA!) Friends of the Earth Mozambique
Hemantha Withanage, Chair of Friends of the Earth International
Rikard Allvin, Independent author and trade expert, Sweden
Annika Lillemets, Policy Advisor, Natural Resources, Business and Human Rights, Afrikagrupperna
Co-organizers: Justiça Ambiental and Treaty Alliance Sweden consisting of Afrikagrupperna, FIAN, Jordens vänner-Friends of the Earth Sweden and Latinamerikagrupperna-Solidarity Sweden-Latin America