An Inside Look: Hope Khoza on Afrikagrupperna’s Work in South Africa
Afrikagrupperna Växjö is super excited to host Hope Khoza, one of Afrikagrupperna’s regional communicators from the Johannesburg office in South Africa!
She will be presenting on Afrikagrupperna’s work in South Africa as well as how Afrikagrupperna collaborates with our partner organizations. This event will be in English. There will also be a fantastic photo exhibit on called ”The Future is Female Farming”!
Hope will be joining us via Zoom. Audience members are welcome to join on LNU’s campus (location to be announced) or via a Zoom link. Please fill out this form if you wish to participate online: https://forms.gle/TGfjVYsWwzbqKJFTA
This is a members only event! You will be able to become a member at the event if you want to attend.
There will be a short fika mingle afterwards for members.

Om evenemanget
Datum: 13 DEC 2021
Plats: LNU H1311 and Zoom
Stad: Växjö