40 ÅR AV HIVAKTIVSM - Afrikagrupperna



Är du nyfiken på mobilisering, mänskliga rättigheter och hiv? Lyssna in på ett lunchseminarium där Afrikagrupperna och Hivplus uppmärksammar 40 år av hivaktivism i södra Afrika.

Vi har bjudit in Phumi Mtetwe från JASS, Sibongile Singini från Our Bodies Our Lives, Sibongile Tshabalala från Treatment Action Campaign samt Sharon Ekambaram från Lawyers for Human Rights. Läs mer om dem nedan.Under seminariet delar de med sig av gedigen kunskap och erfarenhet av mobilisering och feministisk aktivism för mänskliga rättigheter i arbetet med hiv.

Alla är välkomna! Vi ses online!

När: Måndag 30 maj 2022 kl 12-13.30
Var: Digitalt, via Zoom
Länk: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86503365667

Seminariet är på engelska, ingen föranmälan behövs

Arrangörer: Afrikagrupperna och Hivplus

Hivplus är World Aids Day-nätverkets kampanjorgan för att sprida kunskap om hiv. Nätverket består av både frivilligorganisationer och offentliga aktörer inom Västra Götaland som arbetar med hiv vilket gör att vi har brett och djupt kunnande inom våra frågor. Vi arbetar normmedvetet och rättighetsbaserat för att minska diskriminering och exkludering av personer som lever med hiv.

Phumi Mtetwa is an activist working on issues of economic, gender and LGBTI equality and justice. She was part of a group of activists that worked to enshrine the rights to equality, dignity and freedom for all in the South African Constitution. Today she occupies herself with one of her great passions: Feminist Movement Building in her role as Regional Director: JASS Southern Africa and connecting local, regional and global movements for Black Liberation through the Global Black Victory Lab (an initiative aiming to respond to solidarity and support for the struggle of Black people across the world through building bridges in activism and forge a global unifying voice through deep relationships founded on love and justice).

Sharon Ekambaram is a human rights activist and has been involved in the struggle for social justice through her work. In the 1980s she worked with young people fleeing from their communities due to apartheid state repression. She was one of the founding members of the Treatment Action Campaign and later worked for the AIDS Consortium in the struggle for affordable treatment for people living with HIV and AIDS, and later against AIDS denialism of the South African government. She is current head of the Refugee and Migrant Rights Programme at Lawyers for Human Rights.

Sibongile Tshabalala is the National Chairperson of the Treatment Action Campaign, a well-known community activist and representative of the people living with HIV sector. Sibongile worked for the Treatment Action Campaign for many years and as a Community Liaison Officer at Right to Care. She is the General Secretary of the five national organizations of People Living with HIV and is also living openly with HIV. Sibongile serves at the Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism representing People Living with HIV, is a board member of the Rural Health Advocacy Project and is an honorary fellow at the Steve Biko Centre for Bioethics.

Sibongile Singini is an activist with broad professional experience in building movements, feminist advocacy, conflict management, HIV and AIDS management, and capacity-building to mention a few. During her 14 years of experience working with women, she has worked with Malawi Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS as a Program Officer responsible for gender mainstreaming and women and girls’ rights. She has also worked with Malawi Network of Religious Leaders Living with or Affected by HIV and AIDS as a Program Officer. She has brought this experience to build the Our Bodies Our Lives Campaign (OBOL) in Malawi, and has also helped in building movements in the region.