Nyhet 2021-12-17
Till minne av Lindiwe Mabuza
Det är med sorg vi har tagit emot beskedet att sydafrikanska Lindiwe Mabuza, ANC:s representant i Sverige under många år, har gått ur tiden. Mabuza var en stor inspiration för många i den svenska solidaritets- och anti-apartheidrörelsen från år 1979 to 1986 och en nära vän till Afrikagrupperna.
Läs Afrikagruppernas minnestext till Lindiwe skriven av GS Louise Lindfors samt tidigare ordförande och numera medlemmar Bertil Högberg och Anita Jansson.
In memory of Lindiwe Mabuza
It is with deep sorrow we receive the message that Ambassador Lindiwe Mabuza has passed away.
As the ANC Chief Representative to the Nordic countries, based in Sweden, Lindiwe came to be a very important person for us in the Afrikagrupperna of Sweden and for the relations between people in Sweden and South Africa in general. During the years she spent here, from 1979 to 1986, solidarity work and campaigning against apartheid grew immensely in Sweden, and this was in many respects inspired by and boosted by Lindiwe.
Her dedication, diplomatic skills and warm, charismatic personality opened many doors in Swedish society for the ANC and the struggle. Lindiwe could meet and talk with ministers and local activists with the same enthusiasm and respect. This was highly appreciated by, among others, all the members of local Afrikagrupperna across Sweden, who she met and inspired.
Lindiwe helped to bring culture into the solidarity work in Sweden. She was not only herself a very cultural person, she also saw the importance of culture in the broader struggle for freedom. Two tours by the ANC cultural group Amandla were arranged in Sweden and other northern European countries on Lindiwe’s initiative in close cooperation with the Afrikagrupperna. They were both great successes and helped to increase the awareness of the struggle against apartheid as well as bringing the people of South Africa closer to the people of Sweden and the other toured countries. Culture remained an important part of the solidarity work of the Afrikagrupperna for the years to come.
Many other events and campaigns, cultural and others, arranged by the Afrikagrupperna and the broader network of the Isolate South Africa Committee in those years, were inspired by and carried out in close cooperation with Lindiwe and her colleagues at the ANC office in Stockholm. These were in many respects hard times, but at the same time rewarding and filled with meaningful and joyful activities. For many members of the Afrikagrupperna they meant growing as persons, world citizens and as friends of the people of South Africa. Lindiwe Mabuza played an important part in all that.
It is with utmost respect and gratefulness we salute Lindiwe as a friend and colleague in the struggle and for all her achievements. She will always be warmly remembered. May she rest in peace.