podcast Archives - Afrikagrupperna

Nyhet 2024-12-11

Afrikagrupperna’s Podcast: Voices of Justice 

In November, Afrikagrupperna was visited by two guests from our partner organization La Vía Campesina – Brenda Muronda and Christine Nabwami. During their stay, our guests participated in the Human Rights days in Skellefteå and other key seminars. They joined discussions on food sovereignty, climate justice, and farmers rights, addressing challenges that small-scale farmers and producers face with climate change, unsustainable food systems and extractivism.  

Key events included: 

  • Additional seminars in Gothenburg, Uppsala and Stockholm focused on practical solutions for climate justice and sustainable food systems  

If you missed these conversations, don’t worry! You can now listen to our podcast. Dive into these important topics and hear directly from Brenda, Christine, and other guests as they share their insights and experiences.  

Podcast Episode 1: Why Food Sovereignty Matters 

In the first episode, we dive into food sovereignty, climate justice, and farmers’ rights. These issues are relevant in creating a sustainable food system and tackling the climate crisis. Listen in to La Vía Campesina (LVC) our partner’s organization: Brenda Muronda, a program officer for LVC in Southern and Eastern Africa, and Christine Nabwami, a small-scale farmer from Uganda. Together, we explore how grassroots movements and farmer’s knowledge play a pivotal role in building a fairer, more resilient world.  

Podcast Episode 2: We demand Climate Justice now! Shared experiences from Sweden and Sub-Saharan Africa

In the second episode, we dive deep into what system change is needed to ensure food sovereignty, climate justice, and the protection of small-scale producer’s rights. This time, we’re bringing a new perspective to the conversation by sharing experiences and examples from Sub-Saharan Africa and Sweden, particularly on climate change and steps to resilience and mitigation. Joining us is climate activist and former intern at Afrikagrupperna, Esmeralda Sjögren, alongside our returning guests Brenda Muronda and Christine Nabwami from La Vía Campesina.