Folkets Forum: How Swedish pension funds are investing in corporate abuse - Afrikagrupperna


Folkets Forum: How Swedish pension funds are investing in corporate abuse and what we can do about it  

In this talk we will raise examples of AP-fondernas’ harmful investments around the world and talk about why we chose to file a complaint to the UN to stop them. 

Första, Andra, Tredje och Fjärde AP-fonden manage the largest part of the capital in Sweden’s national income pension system, more than 1500 billion SEK. These funds are obliged to work for long-term high return but also, by law, to invest sustainably. Still the funds invest in companies that violate human rights. Many of these companies are some of the worst climate offenders in the world, arms producers and mining companies. Sjunde AP-fonden manages the part of the pension that we may invest ourselves, ”premiepensionen”, for those who do not make an active choice. It is responsible for almost 750 billion SEK but it has no legal requirements regarding sustainability. 

Thus, in November 2021, a network of organisations, filed a complaint against the funds to the UN Council for Human Rights. 

This session will be followed by a creative activist school 12.00-12.45, where we go from discussions to actions. The activist school takes place in Room Brantingrummet (first floor).

When: Wednesday 1 June 11.00-11.45
Where: ABF-huset Stockholm Katasalen (first floor)

Main language: English  


Ilham Rawoot, coordinator of the Say No to Gas! Campaign at Justiça Ambiental (JA!) Friends of the Earth Mozambique

Nijat Turghun, chair of the Uighur Education Association, Sweden

Alex Brekke, director of Amazon Watch, Sweden


Parul Sharma, human rights lawyer with an extensive background in sustainable development

Co-organizers: The network Vi anmäler AP-fonderna consisting of Afrikagrupperna, Amazon Watch Sverige, Emmaus Stockholm, FIAN Sverige, Föreningen Fossilfria pensioner, Gudrun Schyman, klimatnätverket Fria Pensionärer, Jordens Vänner, KG Hammar, Klimataktion, Kristna Freds, Latinamerikagrupperna, Parul Sharma, PeaceWorks, Svalorna Indien Bangladesh, Uiguriska Utbildningsföreningen, Institutet för nerväxtstudier, Mama Killa, Community for Justice, A Non Smoking Generation, Trustbrand Watch Sweden, Fältbiologerna, Klimatriksdagen – Jonas Bane Ordförande, Skiftet