Folkets Forum: False climate solutions  - Afrikagrupperna


Folkets Forum: False climate solutions 

Net zero emissions, carbon offsetting and renewable energy are presented as key solutions to the green transition, but are they really sustainable?

The climate crisis and the need to phase out fossil fuels have triggered new innovations. It is tempting to rely on these technical solutions and continue with business as usual.   

However, the transition from fossil dependence to renewable has its downsides. What are the consequences for environment and people where the minerals needed would be extracted? And what happens when tree plantations are established to allow continued extraction of fossil fuels?  

When: Wednesday 1 June 15.00-15.45
Where: ABF-huset Stockholm Katasalen (first floor)

Main language: English  


Daniel Ribeiro, Technical coordinator and co-founder of Justiça Ambiental (JA!) Friends of the Earth Mozambique

Arne Müller, free-lance journalist and author specialised on environmental impacts of mining, Sweden 


Annika Lillemets, Policy Advisor, Natural Resources, Business and Human Rights, Afrikagrupperna 

Co-organizers: Justiça Ambiental and Afrikagrupperna

Om evenemanget

Datum: 1 JUN 2022

Tid: 15.00-15.45

Plats: Katasalen (first floor) ABF-huset, Sveavägen 41

Stad: Stockholm