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Nyhet 2010-08-02

Miss Namibia 2010

Few years ago Miss Namibia, along with the SANLAM Music Awards, was one of the marquee events on the annual calendar. And as the day of the beauty pageant approached we would be electrified with expectation and the collective buzz would be all about…Miss Namibia. But that was then and this is now.

Unfortunately this Miss Namibia was nothing to write about. Certainly, the built-up to the actual evaent was not marketed well. Those in the know say that this is due to the fact that One Africa television has acquired the sole rights to the pageant it could not be screened on NBC which has the most coverage. NBC, not wanting to be left out, has already started advertising the Miss NBC Beauty Pageant.

The only highlight was Mr. Stefan Ludik, Big Brother Africa contestant (at least 4 years ago) and his feat of performing 3 different songs. And the crazy thing is that he did it in a row. How does he get it right? Did the event managers not see that he was on the programme THREE times in a row? Something smells fishy!

/ Leitago /Narib