Voicing the need of a just transition for all - Afrikagrupperna


Voicing the need of a just transition for all

MR-dagarna är den viktigaste mötesplatsen för mänskliga rättigheter i Norden. Afrikagruppernas partnerorganisation Rural Women’s Assembly och Afrikagruppernas generalsekreterare Louise Lindfors kommer att delta i två seminarium på plats i Helsingborg; ”Women’s Movement building in Southern Africa: The guardians of land, seeds, life and nature” och ”Voicing the need of a just transition for all”. RWAs fina fotoutställning kommer även att finnas på plats. Varmt välkomna att besöka våra program och vår fina monter! Läs hela programmet här: Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna 2023 (invitepeople.com)

Voicing the need of a just transition for all
Friday November 24, 2023
Sal: Nanny

Afrikagrupperna invites you to an international seminar with representatives from Rural Women’s Assembly in Southern Africa. The conversation aims to discuss the need for a just transition in the food and energy system with reflections on why there is a need for change, what is a just transition and how can this transformation happen?
According to the IPCC report from 2023 it has never been more clear; we are living in the midst of the climate crisis. The consequences for people and nature are acute and we need environmental and climate justice now. We are losing our biodiversity in an alarming rate, about 75% and 66% of land and marine environments, respectively, are extremely affected by human factors. This is due to unsustainable lifestyles and misuse of natural resources. We need a well-functioning ecosystem which is fundamental for our survival. 

The majority of people live in unjust societies with an uneven distribution of resources and massive environmental destruction. This is due to the unsustainable economic system that gives power to corporations and companies to continue violating human rights through extractivism, intensive industrial agriculture, and food production. For us to meet future challenges, less human rights violations and environmental destruction, we have to change the way we relate to nature and how we use our natural resources. There is a need of a transformative sustainable system that works to achieve a just society. This seminar explores people’s movements and pathways to a just transition with examples from Southern Africa, Asia and Europe. The speakers will connect a just transition to education, workers’ rights, mobilisation and will address concepts such as green washing and corporate responsibility.   

Afrikagruppernas guest from Southern Africa, The Rural Women’s Assembly (RWA) is a self-organised movement or alliance of national rural women’s movements and grassroots organisations of peasant, unions and federations across nine countries in Africa. RWA aims to strengthen rural women in the defence of their commons (land, sea, water, seeds and ecosystem) by building voices through education and movement building. 

This panel will be moderated by Afrikagruppernas Secretary General, Louise Lindfors. 

Janine Alm Ericson, Member of Parliament, spokesperson finance, aid and gender equality, The Green Party (Miljöpartiet)

Parul Sharma, Human Rights Lawyer 

Flaida Macheze, Rural and international development professional, Rural Women’s Assembly & UNAC, Moçambique 

Reinette Heunis, Small-scale farmer, Rural Women’s Assembly and small scale farmer, South Africa