Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna - Eliminating gender-based violence and femicides in a post-pandemic world - Afrikagrupperna


Eliminating gender-based violence and femicides in a post-pandemic world

Afrikagrupperna invites you to an interesting conversation about gender-based violence between Winnet Shamuyarira, Militarisation and Violence against Women Coordinator, from the organisation WoMin (Women in mining) and our secretary general Louise Lindfors. 

Gender-based violence is one of the most pronounced expressions of the unequal power relations between women and men globally. For example, in Southern Africa, women in communities affected by extractives projects – mining, plantations and large energy projects – face violence daily at the hands of the police, army and private security, often with the active support of the state. Women have been raped, sexually harassed, and coerced into exchanging sex for jobs, water and firewood.  In this seminar we wish to underline the importance of campaigning for societies free from violence and safety for all women and girls and gender nonconforming people. 
Men’s and boys’ violence against women and girls is a crime that is ongoing 24/7, every day of the year. In Sweden, a woman is killed by a man every third week. In southern Africa, the effects from the pandemic are horrifying. While the world was trying to flatten the corona curve, the gender-based violence curve was silently and increasingly growing. Did you know the rate of femicides in South Africa is nearly five times higher than in the rest of the world? In Namibia gender-based violence has been described as the new pandemic. During national lockdowns and restrictions people have been forced to isolate in their homes, locked up with their perpetrators, and the reported violence has increased dramatically.  
There is a mutual collaboration between patriarchy and capitalism which permeates life at all society levels. Growing economic insecurity and related vulnerabilities are undermining efforts to secure gender equality. GBV is deeply rooted in harmful cultural norms and stereotypes that perpetuate inequality and powerlessness, in particular of women and girls and gender nonconforming people. Various other factors, such as poverty, lack of education and livelihood opportunities, and impunity for crime and abuse, also contribute to and reinforce a culture of violence and discrimination based on gender. 

What can you do to join the cause? The conversation will promote action and will push for the global 16 days of activism against gender-based violence campaign. Afrikagrupperna welcomes Winnet Shamuyarira to explain the context in southern Africa, what’s behind the statistics and showcase examples from ground-breaking feminist work. 
This seminar will highlight the global campaign “16 days of activism against gender-based violence” and spread knowledge about what can be done to address the global issue of GBV and femicide in southern Africa and globally.  

Läs mer här: https://invitepeople.com/public/seminars/39501

Om evenemanget

Datum: 18 NOV 2022

Tid: 10.30-11.30

Plats: Convendum

Stad: Örebro